
Richard H. Truly family, wife, children, parents, siblings

Richard Harrison Truly was known as a vice admiral in the United States Navy, a fighter pilot, engineer, and astronaut, and was the eighth administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration from 1989 to 1992. He was the first former astronaut to head the space agency.

Richard H. Truly wife

Richard H. Truly was married to Colleen “Cody” Hanner and had three children.

Richard H. Truly children

Richard H. Truly and his wife were blessed with three children whose details are currently kept on a low key.

Richard H. Truly parents

Richard H. Truly was born on November 12, 1937, in Fayette, Mississippi, Truly attended segregated schools in Fayette and Meridian, Mississippi. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1959. No news of his parents.

Richard H. Truly siblings

Richard H. Truly was not confirmed to be his parent’s only child, yet his siblings are unknown.

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