
Ventura Pérez Mariño family, wife, children, parents, siblings

Ventura Pérez Mariño was a Spanish judge and Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) politician born on 29 December 1948 and suddenly passed away on 14 February 2024 at the age of 75

Ventura Pérez Mariño wife

Unfortunately, no information about Ventura Pérez Mariño Wife is currently available. However, we’ll update this as soon as we find out more.

Ventura Pérez Mariño children

Unfortunately, there is no information now accessible regarding the children of Ventura Pérez Mariño. But as soon as we find out more, we’ll update this.

Ventura Pérez Mariño parents

Unfortunately, no information about Ventura Pérez Mariño’s parents is currently available. However, we’ll update this as soon as we find out more.

Ventura Pérez Mariño siblings

Sadly, there is no information currently accessible on the siblings of Ventura Pérez Mariño. As we find out more, we will, however, update this.

Throughout his career, Mariño served as a Spanish judge and politician for the Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE). His tenure as a member of the Congress of Deputies from 1993 to 1995 continued to make him noteworthy.

Having held the position of mayor during the initial weeks of his term, Mariño also served as a city councilor in Vigo from 2003 to 2005.

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Written by Gloria

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